

为了继续推进 IPA的教育转型,更好帮助IPA会员定位并满足未来的行业需求,IPA希望了解会员的学习方式偏好。这项调查为您提供了一个机会,帮助IPA设计为您量身定制的教育项目、持续专业发展教育课程和微证书,以最大限度地满足您的需求。点击此处了解更多。

根据条款 2.1.2,所有会员在破产、被指控刑事犯罪或受到其他专业监管机构的裁决时,均须书面告知公共会计师协会。点击此处了解更多信息。



Education Market Research survey
In continuing with IPA’s education transformation with a view to positioning IPA memberships and meeting their needs for their future, the IPA is seeking to better understand members‘ preferences in relation to how they like to learn. This survey gives you an opportunity to help the IPA design tailored educational programmes, CPD, and microcredentials to best meet your needs. Find out more here

Self-reporting obligations
As per by-law 2.1.2, all Members are required to advise in writing if they become bankrupt, if they are charged with a criminal offence, or if they are subject to an adverse finding from another professional or regulatory body. Find out more here

IPA Register of Members
The board of directors extend their congratulations to all new members and those who have advanced in status. View the Register of Members here

Update your email preferences
Based on the results of our satisfaction survey, we have changed the way we send you emails. You can now select which CPD topics and member offers you are interested in. More information here
ATO updates
The ATO have provided a number of updates including ‘changes to whistleblower protections; the instant asset write-off; small business energy incentive; NFP self-review return; updates to guidance materials; and upcoming ATO events for tax professionals’. More information here

ASIC issues reminder to AFS licensees about new experienced provider pathway notification obligations
‘From 1 July 2024, AFS licensees who receive a copy of a written declaration from a financial adviser who is eligible to rely on the pathway must notify ASIC within 30 business days of receiving the declaration.’ More information here

Sales data from online selling platforms: ATO data matching notice
The ATO has issued a notice that it will acquire Australian sales data from online selling platforms for 2023-24 through to 2025-26. More information here

Division 7A: benchmark interest rate for 2024-25
The ATO has confirmed the benchmark interest rate for Div 7A purposes for the 2024-25 income year. More information here

Code of Professional Conduct expansion from 1 August 2024: TPB reminder
The TPB has issued a reminder to tax practitioners of the expanded obligations in the Code supplementing the existing obligations under the code effective 1 August 2024. More information here
Important changes to super from 1 July 2024: ATO
The ATO has issued a media release highlighting important changes to super from 1 July 2024. More information here

NALI provisions for APRA-regulated super funds from 1 July 2024: ATO reminder
The ATO has reminded APRA-regulated super funds that changes to the non-arm‘s length income (NALI) provisions take effect from 1 July 2024. More information here

Transfer balance relief for successor fund transfers
New Regulations remove the potential for recipients of capped defined benefit income streams to have their transfer balances impacted by involuntary successor fund transfers. More information here
Financial Accountability Regime - final rules issued
ASIC and APRA have published new information to help insurers and superannuation trustees prepare for the commencement of the regime from 15 March 2025. More information here

ASIC proposes to update superannuation forecasts relief instrument
In light of Treasury‘s revised long-term wage growth forecasts, ASIC proposes to update the rate of nominal wage inflation in Instrument 2022/603 and RG 276. More information here

ASIC proposes October expiry date for MIS legislative instrument
ASIC has proposed allowing the ASIC Corporations (Land Holding for Primary Production Schemes) Instrument 2014/15 to expire on 1 October 2024. More information here

ASIC releases estimated industry funding levies for 2023-24
ASIC has issued its 2023-24 Cost Recovery Implementation Statement outlining estimated regulatory costs and levies for industry subsectors. More information here
Updates from ASIC in the past week including media releases, news, articles and speeches. More information here

Updates from APRA in the past week including media releases, news, articles and speeches. More information here
Proposed legislative amendments, government announcements and consultations
Updates on recent legislative amendments. More information here
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